Thursday, 10 November 2011

3.Convergence Culture

What i understand from this idea is that a convergence culture in media is where all types of different media, for example television, internet and gaming, will all be combined as one.

As i'm not the best at defining things I researched on the internet a definition of 'convergence culture' and stumbled across this article which states that Professor Henry Jenkins described a convergence culture as two things... 'the tendency of modern media creations to attract a much greater degree of audience participation than ever before, to the point that some are actually influenced profoundly by their fan base, becoming almost a form of interactive storytelling; and the phenomenon of a single franchise being distributed through and impacting a range of media delivery methods.'

Issues raised from this include,
-More competition to include more media platforms than your competitor
-The destruction of single media platforms
-Things like VHS and CD's will potentially become instinct!
(If they havn't already)

One example of convergence is the 'Fosters web comedy channel'
A point raised in the lab sheet is whether or not this channel is an example of convergence. I believe it is because of the link between a comedy series and advertising. This use of Advertainment (see my other blog) is what convergence is about. Their distribution of television actors sketches over the internet further demonstrates my point.

People are always looking for the most things they can get with their money. By bringing all these different media types together you're engaging with what the consumer wants. This means that convergence is something that is successful and wanted by the majority.

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